Trusting in a New Day

By John Daniels

I recently wrote an article describing some of the ways the pandemic is changing the way we do church.  I concluded the article with the trust lessons I have both learned and continue to learn.

I was reminded of my first team building experience with a trust fall.  I was the first to volunteer to fall into the trusted hands of my group and it was an easy and fun experience.  I was not prepared for what was to follow, changing the position from the falling person to the group doing the catching was a tough transition.   Suddenly the immense responsibility of catching someone started weighing on me.  What if a team member doesn’t pay attention? What if someone thinks a slight “oops” in the catch would be funny?  What if everyone at the same time thought someone else will do the catching?

Trust requires action.  I have experienced new understandings of trusting God to be in control of his Church and his world in this crisis.  I would also hope that God and the church I serve have found me to be trustworthy.   I need to be prepared to get the team ready to make the catch when hearing the command “fall.”  I do trust God in this pandemic and I thank him for the gifts and the grace required to be ready for the catch.

These thoughts above are from John Daniels, our associate partner based out of Wilmington, North Carolina. His primary focus is working alongside churches in administrative challenges and opportunities. For more information about how he can help you, contact him at [email protected].

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